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Nina Melander
Contact Nina<p>Step 2 is to assess whether your products contain any hazardous or very hazardous chemicals that should be phased out. Here you will find information on how to do this using the chemicals legislation and how to go beyond the legislation by using different substitution tools.</p>
In Step 2, you identify which chemicals to phase out using the chemical content information you obtained in Step 1. You can do this through a search of chemical legislation and other tools using a chemical’s:
Learn more about chemicals to be phased out
The first thing you should do is to check whether one or more of the chemicals in your goods are classified as hazardous or very hazardous in the chemicals legislation therefore are subject to information, restriction or authorisation obligations.
Learn more about finding hazardous chemicals in the legislation
There are also a number of substitution tools that you can use, not only for substances that are already regulated, but also for substances that may be subject to information, restriction or authorisation requirements in the future. Use these to stay ahead of the legislation!
Learn more about tools to identify hazardous substances
To verify the information you have received from your suppliers, you can order a chemical analysis, which can also be useful in cases where you have not received information on a particular content. However, you will need to know in advance which chemicals you want analysed, for example if you want to make sure that your goods/materials do not contain phthalates or a certain type of flame retardant.
Read more about safety data sheets on the ECHA website