RISE is a place for the problem-solvers. We are researchers, technicians, testers and experts whose task is to develop the solutions and innovations of tomorrow. Take part of our outlooks and insights through our bloggers.
Quantum computers have the potential to break widely used public-key cryptosystems such as RSA and elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC), which are omnipresent in our communications including the Internet.
RISE is building up the expertise to address these vulnerabilities and ensure the long-term security of sensitive data and communications.
There is an increasing interest in introducing nutrition and health aspects in the assessment of the environmental impact of foods. A suggested method to do it is called nutritional LCA. Through nutritional LCA, it is possible for actors in the food system to include a more holistic sustainability perspective of foods.
To be able to use electronics in space applications, these must undergo extensive testing and verification in the space environment. RISE organizes and helps carry out these important tests for power electronics in space applications.