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Strategic roadmaps

– rally around a common direction.

A clear vision for the future is important for all organisations - from individual companies to entire industries. But to make the vision a reality, a strategic roadmap is needed to help organisations plan through uncertainty and navigate complexity. A roadmap can also serve as a tool to rally a company, an industry or an entire society around a common direction, with clear choices identified.

The result of an implemented roadmap can be seen in the individual organisation in the form of achieved goals, such as sustainability, increased competitiveness and competence, new collaborations and a strengthened brand. The roadmap can also lead to positive effects at a societal level, for example in the form of reduced environmental impact or strengthened international competitiveness.

Sometimes the greatest gain can be in the process of creating the roadmap itself, as stakeholders come together around a common vision.

RISE works with strategic roadmaps in a number of ways: 

  • We can support organisations, industries, communities or other constellations of actors in developing strategic roadmaps - from baseline analysis to planning.
  • We can analyse an existing roadmap and help stress test and understand the consequences of the directions and choices made, but also help adapt or update the plan based on changing conditions, such as technological challenges, regulatory issues, business models, security issues, environmental issues or social sustainability.
  • Finally, we have the capacity and expertise to help implement roadmaps, for example through project and process management, research, development and innovation.

Common to all RISE initiatives linked to strategic roadmaps is that we work independently, on a scientific basis, with a focus on sustainable transition and increased competitiveness.


What does Swedish industry need to strengthen its competitiveness in a sustainable society for the next 10-15 years? This question is addressed in "Roadmap - Technology, materials and capabilities for sustainable industrial competitiveness", a project run by RISE on behalf of Teknikföretagen and Vinnova.

Read more about the roadmap for Swedish industry

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