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Policy lab in Material transition

New laws and requirements are being implemented to reduce resource consumption and create circular material flows. RISE Policy Lab offers a methodology for developing and implementing innovative and effective rules in co-creation between interested parties, such as companies and society.

There are continuous changes in the legislation around material use, at the same time industries and individual companies set up their requirements. For an individual actor, it can be difficult to understand how to act on these regulation changes or when there are increased demands from environmentally conscious consumers. It can also be difficult to know what is truly sustainable and balance between, for example, the product's function and its impact on the environment. Traceability and quality assurance also come into play here.

Challenges in material use are complex, and require cross-disciplinary solutions. RISE has strong competencies in both policy and regulatory innovation as well as materials.

Policy Lab is policy and regulatory innovation in collaboration. In specific cases, the actors involved work together in an agile and iterative process. The aim is to create a neutral meeting place for business, academia, authorities and civil society to discuss the need for improved regulations, identify legal challenges and create consensus on the legal situation and possible ways forward. All to more quickly bring about systemic changes needed in society.

RISE Policy Lab gives you:

  • Laws and regulations that are effective and entrenched with claimants and users
  • Increased understanding of leeway in implementing new regulations
  • Lowers costs through reduced risk of difficult or unenforceable regulations
Jenny Lundahl

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Jenny Lundahl

Senior forskare/Rättslig expert

+46 10 228 40 62

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Ann Lorentzon

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Ann Lorentzon


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