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RISE's operations are extensive, and security is a crucial part of our operations that we actively work on. Research is based on sharing, verifying, and developing our own and others' results. This can only be accomplished if we protect what is in need of protection.

Protective security

Our assignments and research sometimes involve societal important activities, national defense, and Sweden’s contingency plan,  which means that security protection regarding the information being handled may be relevant. It is therefore very important for RISE, together with the customer/client/financier prior to the start-up of a project, to determine whether the information to be handled may be covered by security protection, so that proper protection can be provided.

Information security

With our mission and assignments comes an obligation to handle all types of information in a purposeful and cost-effective manner throughout its lifecycle. We handle all information correctly, regardless of format, without hindering or complicating learning and collaboration in our daily work.

To ensure proper handling, we actively work to ensure that all employees have knowledge about and are aware of current information security rules. These rules apply to all employees at RISE.

We also ensure compliance of requirements set by current legislation and requirements set by states, authorities, customers, stakeholders, and employees. Aspects that we follow up on include:

  • Confidentiality
  • Availability
  • Integrity
  • Traceability

We always strive to manage information within the EU/EEA to the extent possible.

Handling of personal data

We only collect personal data that is necessary and relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. The data must be accurate and up to date, and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which it is processed. We have both technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful access, loss, destruction, or damage.

Personal data is only stored for as long as necessary for the purpose for which the data was collected, or as required by special legislation, such as accounting regulations. Learn more about how we handle personal data based on different purposes.

Jörgen Svensson

Contact person

Jörgen Svensson


+46 10 516 54 07

Read more about Jörgen

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