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The National Laboratory for Pressure and Vacuum

RISE is Sweden's NMI (National Metrology Institute) and is, according to the Swedish constitution, responsible for the central measurement quantities in the International System of Units, SI.

The national measurement laboratory for pressure and vacuum is the highest instance in Sweden for the SI unit Pascal (Pa). The assignment of the laboratory involves, among other things, providing traceable calibrations and measurements of pressure between 5·10-6 Pa till 5·108 Pa, gauge, differential and absolute pressure.

Measuring and generating traceable pressure over 14 decades requires that the equipment used is both calibrated and carefully evaluated. This means that our experts have the tools required to deliver knowledge and traceability to the Swedish and international business community and partners.

The National laboratory participates in a number of research and development projects in Europe and Sweden. The work enables the development of the laboratory competence and the projects we participate in are within the focus areas that have been selected. 

Dynamic measurements have long been a research area in focus. The aim of the research is to quantify the dynamic properties of measurement systems that the static measurement technique cannot describe.

Since 2018, there is also an ongoin project based on measuring pressure optically by measuring changes in the refractive index of the pressure media. This can be done with very good precision and repeatability. The goal is to contribute to the development of new references for pressure measurements and the field is also in line with the new definitions in SI.

David Szabo
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Dynamic measurements

The knowledge platform for Dynamic measurements is a long-term investment where RISE, together with academia and industry, builds and spreads competence within measurement, calibration and traceability of fast mechanical processes…

Measurement of the latency of dynamic pressure sensors

The project was a part of the development of the shock tube which is our candidate primary standard for dynamic pressure calibration. Under the project we developed a robust method that provides traceable measurement of the latenc…

Secondary system dynamic pressure

The project aims to enable the characterization of dynamic pressure sensors in a continuous frequency range from static pressure to hundreds of kilohertz by bridging the frequency gap between static pressure standards and shock tu…

Towards reliable and traceable quantum-based pressure measurements

The project will develop measuring instruments and methods based on quantum physics, to enable accurate realisations of pascal, the SI unit for pressure. The new techniques create the conditions for better and faster calibrations …

RMP-FoU Repeatable Shocks

To measure is to know. Dynamic pressures are measured in many processes including combustion of chemical and biological fuels. Yet, traceable metrology, and hence knowledge of the quality of measurement, is not established for dyn…


Measurements are made all over the world, in all sectors. Usually we measure in order to make decisions or to control something. It can be to decide on certain actions, but it can also be automated decisions in industry control- o…