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Railway - From Infrastructure and Vehicles to Research and Innovation

RISE has a wide range of expertise in a variety of areas within railway applications. Our competence ranges from technical testing, simulation and evaluation to measurement methods, timetable planning, service development and automation.

At RISE, research has a prominent place and the projects are run both nationally, with funding from financiers such as the Swedish Transport Administration and Vinnova, and internationally, with funding primarily from the EU in programs such as Shift2Rail. RISE holds both railway specialists and subject specialists linking together knowledge in different application areas. RISE is also active in standardization work. 

What makes RISE unique is that we can provide support throughout all parts of the innovation process, from applied research to testing and certification of materials and products. We have both technical and social science perspectives and we take both the society and the individuals into consideration. 

Testing, Evaluation and Certification

RISE is accredited according to ISO 17025 and has large test & demo resources in many areas that are relevant for railway applications. In Borås there are test beds for mechanical tests, fire tests, climatic testis, acoustic tests and many more. For example, within infrastructure and concrete construction we are a testing partner and perform tests of, for instance, ballast and concrete and track and vehicle components for use on railways. Our test reports can be used as part of development testing or as a basis for type testing or internal production control for CE marking and to show compliance with other requirements set by the Swedish Transport Administration and other procurement agencies. RISE is also an NMI (National Metrology Institute) for power and energy and photometry and radiometry.

Research and Innovation

RISE's research and innovation activities in railway applications are wide in scope and include infrastructure, vehicles and planning/management of the railway system and much more. We have expertise in, for instance, opertation and maintenance, infrastructure, vehicles and transportation flows. Some of our specialist areas are strength, corrosion and service life, timetable planning, resource optimization, measurement technology, noise and digitalisation. We also work with organizational transformation and implementation of the innovation process. 

RISE collaborates with several research centres, authorities and companies in the railway sector and is part of the research programme Capacity in the Rail Traffic (KAJT), which is one of Sweden's main actors in railway research, and head of the BeFo Foundation for Rock Technical Research.

RISE kontaktpersoner mot Trafikverkets ansvariga för Flagship Areas (FA) inom Europé´s Rail (fortsättning på Shift2Rail) listas nedan och kan kontaktas via länkar uppe till höger på denna sida.

RISE contact persons communicating with the Swedish Transport Administration's heads of Flagship Areas (FA) within Europé ́s Rail (continuation of Shift2Rail) are listed below and can be contacted via links in the top right of this page.

  • Martin Joborn – FA1
  • Marvin Damschen – FA2, FA5
  • Glenn Langvik – FA3
  • Hans Arvidsson – FA4, FA6
  • Kristina Andersson – FA7
  • Madhav Mishra – FA8

Flagship Areas

FA1: European Rail Traffic & Mobility Management in Multimodal Environment
FA2: Digital & Automated or Autonomous Train Operations
FA3: Intelligent & Integrated Asset Management
FA4: A Sustainable and Green Rail System
FA5: Sustainable Competitive Digital Green Rail Freight Services
FA6: Regional Rail Services / Innovative Rail Services to Revitalise Capillary Lines
FA7: Innovation on New Approaches for Guided Transport Modes
FA8: Transversal Topics - Digital data, Common Railway dictionary, Conceptual Data Model, Enablers; Federated Distributed Dataspace Infrastructure for Rail Systems/Subsystems and Railways Digital Twin.

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Research Projects

Test & Demo

Martin Joborn
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Test & demo

Mechanical reliability and life

Nationally unique by combining advanced mechanical life testing with cutting edge knowledge within reliability and computations.
Test & demo

Accelerated corrosion testing

Climate chamber testing is used to compare the corrosion resistance of different materials and material combinations in different atmospheric environments. We offer a large number of accelerated tests in corrosion chambers, climat…
Test & demo

Fire Laboratories

The testbed offers fire testing and evaluation of the fire properties of products in relation to requirements of markets or authorities around the world. Our concept is to, parallel to testing, conduct research and …
Test & demo

Climate simulation

Offers European unique opportunities for testing in different climate types – radiant sun, extreme temperatures and different degrees of humidity.
Test & demo

Battery, hybrid system, fuelcell and hyd

Unique in the Nordic region with the broadest battery test facility. The facility is open for all stakeholders and can handle large objects.
Test & demo

Testbed for components and large structu

The testbed offers an internationally unique combination of powerful and versatile mechanical testing resources, advanced measurement methods, cutting-edge competence in computation and research resources.
Test & demo

Fire testing furnaces

A test bed for evaluating different constructions' fire resistance using extensive equipment. World-leading flue gas treatment and mobile work platforms to facilitate customers' assembly contribute to sustainability. The furnaces …
Test & demo

Fire Test Hall

Thanks to it´s unique opportunities for flexible experimental setups, this facility can provide a wide variety of different possibilities for more effective fire tests.