Contact person
Martin Schöllin
Contact MartinCompraser Labs is a national center for research and development of production processes and production systems for composite products. Compraser Labs is a membership program run by RISE.
Within Compraser Labs, we work with the development and industrialization of efficient manufacturing technology, with the aim of our members being able to:
As a member of Compraser Labs, you will have the opportunity to work with the leading companies, universities and institutes in the production of fiber-based composite products. The membership program is characterized by knowledge, creativity and business development and serves as an innovation platform with a test and demo site at the center of the program. This means that we are working on a high technology readiness level with the aim of implementing solutions in the industry. Our main areas are:
Compraser Labs collaborates with:
LIGHTer Arena - Swedish lightweight arena
Innovair - The strategic innovation program for aviation
Contact us for more information and to become a member of Compraser Labs.
Compraser Labs offers three levels of membership, see PDF for more information.
Membership levels (PDF) (pdf, 491.49 KB)