Contact person
Marie-Louise Bergholt
Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing
Contact Marie-LouiseAdditive Manufacturing, also known as 3D-printing, is a manufacturing technology that enables a paradigm shift. Given all the advantages that the technology offers, there is huge potential of gaining competitiveness by adopting additive manufacturing.
The list of advantages includes:
Aside from the technical benefits, the technology has a measurable contribution to sustainability by reducing the CO2-footprint, through its near-net-shape manufacturing capacity (less material waste), repair (re-use), local manufacturing (reduced need of transportation), and the use of bio-based materials.
There are seven major additive manufacturing technologies according to the ISO/ASTM 52900:2015(en) Additive manufacturing – General principles – Terminology:
Moreover, within each type, 1-7, there are several unique solutions available, which all together come down to about 18 different solution packages provided by a large number of machine vendors. All of them require specific pre- and post-treatment solutions to enable part manufacturing, which is why identifying the right process and optimized value chain for a certain part might get complex and challenging for any company.
The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing helps your company find the right process and technology for your challenges and needs.
Please contact us for more information.
Contact person
Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing
Contact Marie-Louise