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Optimize your metallic AM process and products

<p>The Pilot Line Production Services developed by the MANUELA project cover the full AM development cycle. Find out more about the services.</p>

The Pilot Line Production Services cover the full AM development cycle starting from design and simulation, materials, process parameter development, manufacturing, post-treatment operations, quality assurance, and consultation. This means that through the Pilot Line Services we can deliver an end-to-end solution including product development as well as process optimization focusing on your specific needs. Robust manufacturing tools are complemented by on-line process control, characterization, and real-time feedback, before proceeding to post-processing treatment and qualification.

The machinery for additive manufacturing itself (PBF-LB and PBF-EB), as well as the hardware for post-treatment processes, are successfully complemented by the software layer of the project. The MANUELA dashboard serves as a user-friendly interface to the digital twin of the pilot line, where simulation tools and machine learning algorithms ensure an optimal AM pathway.

The pilot line service brings together competences in the following areas:

  • Materials
    • Implementation and optimization of new materials into processes.
    • Introduction of composite materials.
  • Efficiency
    • Increase productivity through optimized printing parameters – application driven.
    • Development and qualification of fully automated post processing cells.
    • On-line process monitoring.
  • Design for additive manufacturing
    • Design experience and support for a variety of printing facilities and machines – design for manufacturing.
    • Adaptation of design tools.
    • Standardized decision process with traceability.
  • Unique know-how
    • A team of experts from industry and academic background available for consultancy and support tailored to your need – both for introduction of novel users, and optimization for advanced users.
    • Machine, material and software providers in the team.

The above-mentioned competences will enable you to reach industrialisation of additive manufacturing much faster through:

  1. Competence development through training and education along the eco-system in AM.
  2. Combination of complementary R&D services for introduction of innovative AM processes to products and their manufacturability.
  3. Renting different manufacturing lines for industrial small-medium scale production.
NMF has a long experience of optimizing the process and developing new production solutions for AM. Foto: Heinl Foto

Service: Material and process development

When it comes to powder bed fusion electron beam (PBF-EB) process, Neue Materialien Fürth GmbH (NMF) has a long experience of optimizing the process and more importantly developing new production solutions to ensure manufacturing of metallic materials made from pure copper, titanium-based alloys (TiAl6V4) and titanium aluminides (TIAl).

Depending on component size and geometry, lot size, material as well as quality requirements, machines from GE Additive (A2X and Q10), Freemelt AB (Freemelt ONE) or pro-beam GmbH & Co. KGaA (K20-2) will be used for a custom-made part production.

The production time ranges from one to four months and essentially depends on the availability of powder and PBF-EB machine. In case of complex, highly demanding components the additive manufacturing process will result in multiple iteration loops causing terms of several month.

When it comes to powder bed fusion laser beam (PBF-LB) process, CIM 4.0, Chalmers, and RISE are together offering a comprehensive know-how and competence in material and process development for various materials. The machine capacity ranges from smaller systems such as SLM Solution 125HL and EOS M100 to larger systems such as SLM 280 2.0 Twin-system, one EOS M290 dedicated for iron/nickel alloys with EOSTATE process monitoring, one EOSM290 dedicated for aluminium/titanium alloys and M400 for large part builds.

A quite broad range of materials are available with optimized processing for increased layer thicknesses and build rates. There is a comprehensive knowledge and competence with regards to optimizing the printing strategy for various materials as well as developing new materials bringing print solutions to implementation in a short time.

Among developments to mention are new high strength aluminium alloys, implementation of doubled print speeds compared to standard solutions for Ni-alloys and 316L stainless steels, range of new medium entropy alloys, range of steels for structural applications and improved tool steels.

RISE AM Center has infrastructure for post-operations such as stress relieving, surface texturing, hirtization, 5-axis milling and automation.

Service: Post-additive manufacturing

Most metal AM components need to be subjected to different post-operations such as heat treatment, surface treatment, machining, etc. to ensure that the components are within the specifications. In many cases, when considering post-additive manufacturing, one focuses on a single or stand-alone process, where a component is subjected to for example stress-relieving to reduce the tensile residual stresses. Afterwards, the part might be removed from the build platform followed by removing the support structures manually. Each step adds cost to the part, yet the reproducibility and accuracy is not high enough for scaling up, why managing the entire eco-system can rapidly become a hurdle to overcome.

Aside the in-depth knowledge with regards to post-additive manufacturing that has been build up for metallic materials, we have also focused on connecting each step together to increase the output and quality yet keeping the cost down. Some of the post-additive manufacturing steps have been automated to ensure a reproducible manufacturing at moderate cost and high throughput, and improving the environment, health and safety (EHS) aspects in AM. RISE has created a comprehensive post-additive manufacturing eco-system for metal AM with a capacity in machining, 3D-scanning, Hirtization®, HIP, stress-relieving, automation, and surface modification (texturing).

Service: Design and simulation for additive manufacturing

Text about our services within design and simulation will be published shortly.


Please contact us if you would like further information on any of the Pilot Line Production Services.

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Contact person

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing

+46 10 516 60 85

Read more about Marie-Louise

Contact Marie-Louise
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