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Design of refrigeration systems for grocery stores based on best technology

In order to reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse gases, the EU has decided to introduce the F-Gas Regulation. The regulation means that cooling systems, which today work with the refrigerant R 404a, will be rebuilt in the coming decade. By using the best available technology during rebuild, there are great opportunities for energy efficiency.

Aim and goal
Evaluate how to design three different refrigeration solutions in grocery stores in order to reach highest possible efficiency with focus on the technical potential.

In order to meet the requirements of the new F-Gas Regulation, a large part of the rebuilding will take place in existing food premises. When it comes to eco design, EU rules set requirements for energy-efficient components, but do not include system solutions, which means that a system of energy-efficient components can still be ineffective if it is constructed incorrectly. Many of today's cooling systems are not energy efficient, but there is potential for efficiency. There is an opportunity to construct and install energy efficient cooling systems in conjunction with the rebuilding.

To propose the best possible system solution to cover the grocery store's refrigeration and freezing needs. Demonstrate how a system solution can be designed to interact with the building's heating system in order to recover heat. The solution refers to both systems and components.

To provide knowledge about the best possible technology for designing the refrigeration systems and dissiminate  the knowledge widely to grocery stores in order to accelerates the development towards a larger proportion of energy efficient food premises. By doing so, the project contributes to combating climate change by increasing the proportion of grocery stores with efficient cooling systems that extract less electricity and use low-carbon refrigerants.


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Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
13. Climate action
Markus Lindahl

Contact person

Markus Lindahl


+46 10 516 55 29

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