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Hydrogen at RISE - our expertise

<p>Within hydrogen at RISE, we have expertise in several areas related to hydrogen.</p>


RISE expertise in hydrogen

Hydrogen enables transformation in industry, in transports and in our energy systems. We need to find solutions that are both economically and environmentally sustainable.

RISE invests in hydrogen

RISE is therefore focusing on the hydrogen area and has expertise in a number of areas: hydrogen within transport, mobility and infrastructure, hydrogen within industry and hydrogen in the energy system. We also working with testing, certifications and safety as well as with component- and material development within hydrogen. We have test facilities and are constantly further developing our knowledge. 

We are looking forward to helping you and your company with your work within hydrogen.

Contact us about hydrogen


You are also welcome to contact one of us:


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Sara Skärhem

Senior Projektledare

+46 10 516 57 55

Read more about Sara



Stefan Ivarsson

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Stefan Ivarsson


+46 70 680 57 43

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Anna Larsson

Contact person

Anna Larsson


+46 10 516 59 55

Read more about Anna

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