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FIRE21 - Research 2022 - WP3

FIRE21 is a four-year project that investigates problem-solving in the Fire and Rescue Service in the 21st century. The research in work package 3 compares today's risk landscape with the future. 

The research in work package 3 in 2022

Risks are part of our world. Therefore, societies have developed strategies to prevent and mitigate the hazards that may arise. These perceived risks are not static but appear to be dynamic with time. Work package 3 of FIRE21 continues the research on how future risk landscapes may be impacted by climate change issues.

Research focuses on the Northern countries and Europe

The research focus is on the specific risks experienced in the Nordic and European countries. The project report “Risk Landscapes Today” compares today´s risk landscapes in the Nordic countries. The starting point is the national risk pictures received from the countries´ emergency agencies.

Good knowledge and prediction tools are available

Do we identify emerging and altered risks in due time? In ancient times such risks and their impacts on society could not be predicted very well and the development of preparedness was primarily based on former experiences. In our modern times, better knowledge and prediction tools are available.

Available statistics have been used

Nowadays it is possible to make better foresight and prediction of risks. Therefore, part of the above-mentioned report looks into the available related statistics and the various tools for decision support. Also, the result of a brainstorming exercise made by FIRE21´s consortium on the potential future emerging risk-related topics is reported.

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