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FIRE 21 - Problem-solving networks of tomorrow

FIRE21 is a four-year project that investigates problem solving in the Fire and Rescue service in the 21st century. The research is organized in five different work packages. 

Summary of work package 4

The fourth work package in FIRE21 concerns the problem-solving networks of tomorrow and is led by Tove Frykmer at Lund University. Using input from other work packages, the existing problem-solving networks of the fire and rescue services will be analysed from the perspectives of today's and tomorrow's risk landscapes.

Identify which problem-solving capabilities are needed

A key ambition in this work package is to identify which individual problem-solving capabilities that are needed to operate in tomorrow's problem-solving networks. This means that the work package will explore individual capabilities that are beneficial for the collective, i.e. the network's, problem-solving.

In-depth literature study and interviews

Through an in-depth literature study and interviews with experienced professionals in the Fire and Rescue Services, such individual qualities will be identified. Thereafter, the qualities will be tested and validated using the conditions from the risk scenarios identified in work package three.

Microworld experiment

The tests will be performed in a microworld experiment (a game with a limited set of controlled variables) designed to represent relevant conditions from a Fire and Rescue Service perspective. Deriving from the microworld experiments will be a set of individual qualities for collective problem-solving under tomorrow's conditions, qualities that are predicted to improve the handling of future risk scenarios faced by the Fire and Rescue Services.

Gives strong evidence base

Using controlled experiments means that the evidence base for providing recommendations on which individual qualities to develop is stronger that e.g. expert opinion.

Responsible for work package 4: Tove Frykmer, Lund University.

Back to overview of work packages in FIRE21.


FIRE21 start page

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Tove Mallin


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Kerstin Eriksson


+46 10 516 52 46

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