Green chemistry - from pilot to commercial production
Meeting sustainability goals plays a crucial role in innovative process development. That's why at RISE we consider environmental impact, safety and economic viability at an early stage when designing new routes in close cooperation with our customers.
Key aspects are the use of environmentally friendly chemicals, materials and technologies and the reduction of energy consumption. Our aim is to develop tailor-made processes for piloting through to commercial production in line with the principles of green chemistry.

Renewable raw materials and substitution
Substitution of reagents and solvents by greener alternatives and utilization of renewable feedstocks can have a huge impact on the overall environmental footprint. Thus, we focus on the production of green chemicals and renewable fuels from agricultural byproducts or side streams of the forestry industry. We also recognize various fractions of industrial and household waste, such as plastic, as well as CO2 as valuable sources of carbon in the circular economy.
Route design
Synthetic route design enhanced by modern digital tools provides an opportunity to device an efficient, economical, and novel manufacturing strategy for your target compound. Moreover, this enables finding solutions which adhere with current requirements on sustainability and process safety.

Scale or fail – but do it quickly! Our scale-up experience covers every stage of a process – we can take your ideas from the laboratory to kilogram-scale in a pilot plant and pave the path for commercial manufacturing. We cover a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) from 1 – 6 according to Horizon2020 definitions, or TRL 1 – 8 according to Vinnova.
All fields, from pharmaceutics to consumer products, material chemistry, biofuels or bio-based chemicals share a great demand for chemical and physical analysis. We provide customized solutions for your specific analytical needs, ensuring highest quality for method development and validation, quality control, stability studies, problem solving and assessments.
Process safety

In any stage of process development, chemical process safety is of utmost importance. Acquiring relevant data requires expertise and equipment. For instance, we can support you on your journey towards a safe process with:
- General process safety evaluation and risk assessment
- Stability testing of compounds and mixtures under process-relevant conditions
- Reaction calorimetry and kinetics
- Material compatibility testing
Many forms and amounts of data are accumulated during development work and we aim to collect as much data as possible for later analysis as required. We apply statistical modelling, from simple linear regressions to advanced machine learning techniques. Even artificial intelligence can be applied, e.g. in retrosynthetic analysis.
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