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Webinars on additive manufacturing

<p>Here we gather all webinars connected to the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing, so that you can easily take part of them afterwards.</p>

The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing regularly organizes webinars for various target groups and on different themes. For instance, the project 3D-Action hosts webinars specifically for small and medium-sized companies, focusing on the theme Discover the possibilities of additive manufacturing (in Swedish only).

Another example is that AM Center, together with the projects SPARSAM, OCEAN-SLM and SINDRI, arranged the webinar Feasibility project presentations and consortium building session.

You will find all recorded webinars here:

Feasibility studies on sustainability

3D-Actions webinars

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Contact person

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing

+46 10 516 60 85

Read more about Marie-Louise

Contact Marie-Louise
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