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Sustainable Nutrition - Combined health and environmental effects of f

With expertise in nutrition, food science and the environment, we help companies and other organizations to develop products, product portfolios, recipes, meals and entire dietary concepts that maintain both nutritionally and environmentally high performance. In this way, conditions are created for sustainable production and consumption of food.

The food we eat has a major impact on both our health and the environment. Both perspectives need to be considered, in order to achieve sustainable production and consumption of food.

Often the environmental impact of food is calculated per kilogram of food without taking into account its most important function, to provide us with nutrition. Within sustainable nutrition, we connect what we know today about nutrition and health with what we know about the environmental impact of different foods, to give a more comprehensive picture of how sustainable a food, a meal or a diet is.

Our offers

We offer nutritional and environmental assessments of products, product portfolios, recipes/meals and whole diets. Among other things, we offer guidance and implementation of so-called nutritional-LCA (n-LCA) where nutritional quality is integrated into traditional life cycle analysis of food. 

More information on n-LCA >>

Based on the assessments, we provide guidance for the work ahead, regarding

  • product/recipe/meal
  • development strategic work
  • communication

For the nutritional assessment, we have experience with several different indicators, e.g. nutrient density index (e.g. Nutrient Rich Food, NRF) and labeling systems within the EU, such as the keyhole, nutritional and health claims and Nutri-Score.

For the environmental assessment, life cycle analysis is used, where the RISE climate database is an important aid. In 2021, RISE also initiated a project to develop a biodiversity database for food. We evaluate the usefulness of various indicators based on the customer's products and needs, with the possibility of customized variants.

We also offer e.g.

  • Knowledge compilations
  • Workshops
  • Fact-checking of reports and press releases
  • Collaboration opportunities in research projects

Our research

In order to best support other actors in the transition towards a more sustainable production and consumption of food, we conduct research in collaboration with both nutrition researchers and environmental scientists, at both Swedish and international universities.

A central focus of our research is to identify and develop methods to enable better analyzes of the combined health and environmental impact of food, meals and diets. In our research, we strive to develop indicators, which can be used to measure the nutritional and health performance of foods, in combination with environmental assessments. The goal is robust and validated nutrition indicators that are both practically applicable and reflect the health effects of food. Together with other sustainability indicators, it is hoped that these indicators will provide guidance and facilitate the transition towards more sustainable foods and diets

Another exciting area of ​​research in sustainable nutrition is combined analysis of the health and environmental impact of diets based on data from epidemiological studies. By analyzing both health outcomes and the environmental impact of different diets based on dietary data from large population groups, we can better understand which food choices provide the best effect for both health and the environment. This type of research gives us important new knowledge about what sustainable eating habits can look like in practice, based on what people actually eat.

Welcome to get in touch!

Please, contact one of us if you want to know more about what we at RISE sustainable nutrition work with and what we can offer your organization.


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FINEST— Major investment in sustainable development in the food sector

With stakeholders from the food industry, researchers from RISE, Chalmers and Uppsala University will accelerate the transition to a more sustainable food system in Sweden. FINEST is one of four multi-million investments at the Sw…

The role of algae in a sustainable food system - environment and nutri

The future supply and consumption of algae is expected to increase both in Sweden and globally, with great commercial potential. The project aimed to meet the need for increased knowledge about algae's environmental impact, nutrit…


The interest in plant-based meat-like products, so-called meat analogues, is large and growing. In this project, RISE, together with Lantmännen and Orkla, aimed to develop useful and attractive meat analogues based on Swedish raw …

Aquatic foods – for a more sustainable food chain

Feeding the world’s population in a sustainable manner is a global challenge. Seafood and other aquatic products are often more sustainable than other animal-based foodstuffs. Kristineberg Marine Research and Innovation Centre is …

RISE food climate database

The climate database is used to increase awareness of the climate impact of various foods and contribute to reduction of the climate impact from our consumption and production of food.

Continued development of the food biodiversity database

In this project, we continue to develop the database that makes visible the impact of different foods on biodiversity, much like an equivalent to RISE's climate database for food.