Payam Ghiaci
Senior Researcher - Leader of RISE High-throughput Centre
Currently: Directing RISE High-throughput Centre
> Highthroughput microbial evolution / screening
> Industrial-strain development: Metabolic Eng.
> BSc. in Chemical Eng. (Isfahan Univ. of Tech. - Iran)
> MSc. in Biotechnology (Chalmers Univ. of Tech. - Sweden)
> MSc. in Social Sciences (University of Gothenburg - Sweden)
> PhD in Systems and Synthetic Biology (Chalmers Univ. of Tech. - Sweden)
> Post-doctoral Researcher (I): University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
> Post-doctoral Researcher (II): European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL - Germany)
> Visiting Researcher (I): Statoil Research Centre (Norway)
> Visiting Researcher (II): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
> Entrepreneurship: Smart Health Care