Jennifer Rosendahl

I work as a researcher and project manager at the Biological Function unit. I have an academic background with a doctorate in biomedicine, with knowledge in areas such as; ATMP (cell and gene therapy, tissue engineering products), cancer research, in vitro diagnostics, medical technology products, GLP and cell and molecular biology, I have a broad base in Life Science. Coordinator of the European reference laboratories for in vitro diagnostics EURL-IVD.
Keywords: 3D Printing with biomaterials, ATMP (advanced therapies), IVDR, drug screening, 3D, Bioplotting, Bioprinting, Cancer, Cell Biology, Cytotoxity testing, DNA, Genetics, Gene expression, GLP, Skin irritation, ISO 10993, Life Science, Molecular Biology , OECD 439, PCR, Protein, qPCR, RNA, Skin irritation test.
Jag arbetar som forskare och projektledare på enheten Biologisk funktion. Jag har en akademisk bakgrund med doktorsexamen i biomedicin, med kunskaper inom områden som; ATMP (cell- och genterapi, vävnadstekniska produkter), cancerforskning, in vitro-diagnostik, medicintekniska produkter, GLP samt cell- och molekylärbiologi, jag har en bred förankring inom Life Science. Koordinator för de Europeiska referenslaboratorierna för in vitro diagnostik EURL-IVD.
Keywords: 3D Printing med biomaterials, ATMP (avancerade terapier), IVDR, drug screening, 3D, Bioplotting, Bioprinting, Cancer, Cell Biologi, Cytotoxity testing, DNA, Genetik, Genexpression, GLP, Hudirritation, ISO 10993, Life Science, Molekylär Biologi, OECD 439, PCR, Protein, qPCR, RNA, Skin irritation test.
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