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Life cycle assessment (LCA)

RISE offer both research and consulting activities for Life cycle assessments, LCA. The combination of LCA knowledge and deep technical competence make us unique. We can help you quantify environmental effects from the cradle to the grave of a product, identify measures for sustainable transition and develop new methods.

With the help of life cycle assessment, we can find out what impact a product, service, process or system has on the environment, and then help develop it for a more sustainable future. A product LCA can identify what part of the life cycle has the greatest environmental impact and thus help find the potential for improvements. It can also compare the environmental impact of different products from the cradle to the grave.

LCA can be applied to services, travel, business models, organizations, technologies and methods. LCA can also be performed with regards to a number of different environmental impact categories, such as climate impact, biodiversity and water use. We can use the LCA methodology for climate reporting (GHG accounting) and to investigate the impact on social factors and on costs in a life cycle perspective. We also offer third-party review and quality assurance of LCA studies.

We offer LCA services in all areas of technology, after discussion and availability. Some examples of areas:

  • Packaging, food, textiles and other consumer goods
  • Buildings and structures in wood and concrete
  • Batteries for mobility and other applications
  • Biofuels and fuels
  • The conversion of the electricity system (production methods, energy storage, flexibility services)
  • Carbon capture and storage

How we work

RISE offer both research and consulting activities for LCA. Our LCA experts work within our technical research areas in different parts of RISE, but also in close collaboration across areas. The combination of life cycle assessment knowledge and deep technical competence make us unique and creates opportunities for well-founded improvement proposals but also for developing new methods and producing new data that benefit our customers.

LCA forms the basis for several different types of environmental communication, such as environmental product declarations (EPD) and environmental footprints. Here, RISE can carry out studies but also act as an auditor or give advice on approaches and applications.

Do you want to cooperate with us? Please contact us!

Tatjana Karpenja

Contact person

Tatjana Karpenja

Affärsutvecklare Hållbarhet & Digitalisering

+46 10 228 44 83

Read more about Tatjana

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