Birgit Brunklaus

Birgit Brunklaus is a senior researcher in LCA and circularity. She has more than 20 years of LCA and sustainability strategies. PhD in LCA with a focus on management and services. Assistant Professor in "LCA for social systems" from Chalmers. Since 2015 at RISE with circular economy and social sustainability.
Research projects in LCA and service development (PSS): LCA of Healthcare Service, LCA of IoT, LCA of Electronics, Digital Service, Waste Services, Service Sector. Climate-smart event. Previous projects in culture (concert, tourism and film production, theater and opera). Discussion forum in Switzerland: How to harmonize and compare LCA in the service industry (2022).
Research projects in LCA and circular economy (CE): Circular Production: The circular car (2023-2026), CIRCUS (2023-2026), Re-cert Bygg (2023-2026). Circular Building, Environmental Investment Green Roofs, Circular Consumption (IO-LCA).(2018-2020). Circular procurement: Circular economy in practice in Malmö City (Environment-Spend). (2020-2022). Sharing economy: Evaluation of sharing services (Sharing cities, Gbg city).
She leads RISE's expertise in social LCA: She is a course leader in social LCA (2023). The course within Database PSILCA (2023). Guide for social sustainability (Boverket, 2024). Research projects in Social LCA and socio-economic analysis: Bio-materials and Bio-energy (2016-2019), Chemicals, Agri-Food (2000-2024).
She leads the working group within LCA and circularity within the Swedish Life Cycle Center (2024). She is an invited speaker and session leader at conferences in circular economy and lifestyles (2019-2023), Social LCA (2022-2024), LCA and IoT (SETAC 2024). Course leader in LCA and social LCA, as well as CSR and GHG protocols (2023-2024).
- Återbrukade eventkläder - En förenklad LCA. Exempel på textilier för klimatsmar…
- Kunskapsöversikt Klimatsmart Hotell
- Metodrapport Event & klimat v 1.0
- Data-driven and LCA-based Framework for environmental and circular assessment o…
- Session and committe: Informing and stimulating green lifestyle choices
- Climate impacts of recycled and fossil-based plastic for the automotive industry
- Det inkluderande, hållbara och uppkopplade samhället : Utvärdering och framtids…
- Life cycle assessment of IoT system in Södertälje – The case of textile waste c…
- Safe to circulate : public report
- Den cirkulära bilen (förstudie)