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Center IUS - our assignment

<p>RISE has been commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs to establish a national resource center for industrial and urban symbiosis. Therefore, we are creating a resource center where knowledge building and co-creation are the focus.</p>


The long-term goal of Center for Industrial and Urban Symbiosis is to contribute to increased resource efficiency by developing and pursuing various issues within industrial and urban symbiosis that lead to sustainable development.


Center for Industrial and Urban Symbiosis will

  • Work for collaboration within the area
  • Be an accessible and long-term national knowledge node
  • Be the natural place to acquire knowledge in industrial and urban symbiosis
  • Be a driving force in industrial and urban symbiosis locally and regionally
  • Carry out knowledge spreading activities through conferences, workshops, website
  • Create collaboration with partners and stakeholders (industry, municipalities, regions, organizations, networks, academia)
  • Develop processes and methods for the support of industrial and urban symbiosis, which will be offered through the center
  • Conduct a conference to spread knowledge about the center and industrial and urban symbiosis

Do you want to join in and collaborate for symbiosis? Get in touch with us!

Marie Karlberg

Contact person

Marie Karlberg


+46 10 516 51 03

Read more about Marie

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