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Fire testing of batteries - battery testing
The purpose of fire testing of batteries is to investigate the safety and performance of a battery under various conditions. This is a kind of safety-critical testing that often leads to severe fire and, in some cases, explosion.
What is fire testing of batteries?
Before a battery is approved for use and put into service, it needs to be tested for fire testing and thermal propagation. This type of battery testing is an important part of battery development and is included in several battery standards.
What is fire testing of batteries?
Fire testing of a battery involves exposing the battery to open flames from an external fire for a period of time. This simulates a situation where the battery catches fire, which can occur during use. Such a situation could be, for example, in a vehicle crash or when there is a fire in a stationary energy store. An important part of fire tests is to see how the cells in a battery are protected by the enclosing casing.
We perform fire testing on large objects
We perform fire tests on batteries in our safety critical testing lab. The lab has a large capacity and can house testing objects up to the size of a full-scale vehicle. The lab has extra thick walls, thick reinforcement and steel doors, allowing us to safely handle testing up to 8 MW. As the test environment is indoors, the environment is controlled and constant, which allows for repeatable tests and reliable results.
We offer sustainable fire testing
Fire testing causes toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen cyanide, benzene and toluene. In addition to safely handling these toxic and flammable gases, we make sure to minimize the environmental impact of our testing. Flue and gas are taken care of in our unique flue gas cleaning facility. We collect the extinguishing water from the test, and separate hazardous particles and send them to a landfill. All to test in the most possible sustainable way.
Test results
You will receive a digitally signed technical report with test results. The report can be delivered in either Swedish or English.
On our area page for batteries you can read more about our work within batteries.
Here you can read more about safety-critical battery testing at RISE.