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Previous events SHDC

Presentations from the events are found at the bottom of the page.

Project development in Gävle with site visit to Ovako 3-4 September 

What is required to establish hydrogen production successfully? Where can hydrogen be produced? Many requirements must be met. Let us gather different perspectives on these questions and, at the same time, visit Sweden's largest site for green hydrogen production. At this event, we will have speakers from Naturvårdsverket, Svenska Kraftnät, Energimyndigheten and Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten, as well as H2 Green Steel, Nordion, Liquid Wind, Ovako and Adven to hear their experiences in establishing hydrogen production sites. The event will finish with a site visit to Ovako's electrolysis plant. Welcome!

Read more and register here

Academic roadtrip - Hydrogen for propulsion - 30 May on Teams

In this academic road trip, we will focus on hydrogen as a fuel. We will get an introduction to the latest research on hydrogen combustion engines and turbines. What are the advantages and disadvantages? 

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World Hydrogen Summit - Live event i Rotterdam 13-15 maj 2024

Spännande event med sitebesök både inom summiten och specifikt för den svenska delegationen.

För mer information vänligen besök Swedish Delegation to World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam 

  • Resa till Rotterdam anordnas tillsammans med Business Sweden och Vätgas Sverige.
  • 13-15 maj 2024

Holländsk utblick 16 april tillsammans med Holländska ambassaden och Business Sweden 

Holland är ett land som är mycket intressant i vätgassammanhang. 
Det finns en lång gastradition och det satsas expansivt på olika delar av vätgasens värdekedja. 
Tillsammans med Holländska ambassaden och Business Sweden får vi en inblick i utvecklingen

Presentationer hittar ni här.

Vätgasflyg! 10 april digitalt på Teams i samarbete med TechForH2.

Regeringen miljardsatsar på utveckling av svenskt inrikesflyg.  

Från politiskt håll hörs att vi inte skall känna flygskam.  Samtidigt måste utsläppen ner till nettonoll. 

Hur går detta ihop?  Vätgas är en del av lösningen – både för produktions av SAF och för direktdrift av flygplan.  

Men var står utvecklingen av vätgasdrivna flygplan? Finns flygplan och infrastruktur på flygplatserna?  

Låt oss träffa forskare, företag, flygplanstillverkare och flygplatser för att dyka djupt i möjligheterna.

Nedan hittar ni länk till presentationerna från workshoppen. 


Previous events

Academic roadtrip - Hydrogen for propulsion - 30th of May on Teams

In this event we will get a roundtrip from some of Swedens leading academic within hydrogen for the transport sector. We will gain an outlook into hydrogen for propulsion both in turbines for aviation and internal combustion engines. What challenges come with the change to hydrogen within these technologies? Furthermore, we will compare hydrogen to other sustainable fuels with regard to both economics and the environment. Can hydrogen compete for heavy-duty transport?

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Building the Nordic Hydrogen Economy

In northern Sweden and Finland, hydrogen development is taking place rapidly. How can the regions work together to continue to take steps forward in hydrogen-related activities, research and building infrastructure?

  • January 24-25 januari 2023
  • Collaboration between SHDC, BotH2nia, CH2ESS vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Invest in Norrbotten, Swerim
  • Program
  • Summary of the event
  • Media: 
    • The non-regulations that slow down investments in hydrogen in the north. SVT

Hydrogen development in the USA and Canada

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) became US law on August 16, 2022. A significant part of the IRA is massive support for the clean energy sector, including hydrogen. The Government of Canada set out its commitment to developing a clean hydrogen economy in December 2020 when it published a Canadian Hydrogen Strategy. By 2050, the country intends to supply up to 30 percent of its energy in the form of hydrogen gas and become one of the top three producers of pure hydrogen globally.

  • February 21st februari 2023
  • Collaboration between SHDC och Business Sweden
  • Presentations from Business Sweden, The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, ABB, Siemens Energy, Linde
  • Panel discussion betweenEnergigas Sverige, Fortum, Vätgas Sverige och Business Sweden

Safe hydrogen installations

  • Date May 16th
  • SHDC Online Event (Zoom) 

In March 2023 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) sent a revised version of the regulation regarding handling of flammable gases “MSBFS2020:1” for consultation. The revision focuses on new specific regulations for hydrogen handling, including a new appendix regarding safety distance for hydrogen. The documents, in Swedish, can be found here:

The purpose of this online event is to provide increased understanding, knowledge, and discussions on the current and upcoming regulations on safe hydrogen installations, but also to understand how this works in reality: both in installations and in permitting. What is new in the coming regulations on hydrogen handling, what can coming permitting processes and installations learn from previous installations, and how can we continue the development of this important topic?

Welcome to this event by Swedish Hydrogen Development Center on safe hydrogen installations!


  • Welcome - RISE/SHDC, Johan Sandstedt and Anna Tibbelin
  • Framing the topic of hydrogen safety in installations - RISE, Helena Hermansson, hydrogen safety expert
  • Revision of regulations for hydrogen handling, including summary of pre- consultation ) - MSB, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Carina Fredström, desk officer, Rickard Granevald, desk officer
  • New safety distances for hydrogen installations: the recently published report that forms the basis for MSB's proposed revision of the gas regulation (MSBFS 2020:1 - Lund University, LTH, dept. of fire and safety, Marcus Runefors, lecturer


  • Updates on Code for filling stations, and the H2Safety Project - Energigas Sverige, Anders Mathiasson
  • Experiences from Mariestad: the H2- production facility, H2-filling station and the permit process for the hydrogen kindergarten - Fire Rescue Services Skaraborg, Erik Lyckebäck, unit manager
  • Hydrogen projects in the Greater Gothenburg area: the permit process and thoughts on safety from the perspective of the Fire and Rescue Service - Fire Rescue Services Storgöteborg, Henrik Gunnarsson, Fire Engineer
  • Hands-on experience from safe hydrogen installations - Euromekanik, Peter Rydebrink, Manging Director
  • Panel session with the speakers


Danish outlook

  • Date June 2nd, 09.45-12.00
  • SHDC Online Event (Zoom) 
  • Language: English
  • SHDC network participants only.
  • Register by accepting the Outlook-invitation

One year ago, the Danish government agreed on a Power-to-X strategy to accelerate the development of green hydrogen and e-fuels and put Denmark in a leading European position.  What has happened since the agreement, and which plans are being realized? What is the status of the coming energy islands (with a special focus on Bornholm), electricity generation and pipelines?  

The purpose of this online event is to provide the latest updates, an understanding, and interest in the hydrogen and Power-to-X development in Denmark.  

Welcome to this event by Swedish Hydrogen Development Center on a Danish Outlook.  


  • Welcome -Johan Sandstedt and Anna Tibbelin, RISE/SHDC  
  • Energinet is the TSO in Denmark, i.e. the counterpart to Svenska Kraftnät. However, the task of Energinet includes electricity and gas transmission. We will hear about the Danish Hydrogen Strategy, a forecast on electricity production, and the role of Energinet in this development.  -  Energinet, Nicolai Sørensen, Senior Energy Strategy Advisor 
  • Danish hydrogen business outlook. Business Sweden is jointly owned by the Swedish Government and business sector to support Swedish business development globally. Among their activities is business intelligence and analysis. Let’s listen to their findings on the Danish hydrogen sector  - Business Sweden, Klas Arvidsson, Project Manager 
  • The value chain of hydrogen. Örsted has made an impressive journey, from a fossil-based energy company to a forerunner in renewables. In Sweden, they have engaged in Liquid Winds project Flagship One. What are their P2X ambition, view on Denmark as a P2X market and their Danish P2X projects? - Örsted, Michael Simon Aagaard, Head of Business Development, Power-to-X, Europe 

Short break

  • Wind power and hydrogen in the Danish and European context. Eurowind is an entrepreneurial wind power developer. How will hydrogen fit in to the wind power development? - Eurowind, Henrik Lykke Sørensen, Head of PtX Competence Center
  • Danish Energy Islands. How will the concept of “energy islands” and especially Bornholm Energy Island support the development? We will get a better understanding of “energy islands” and on Bornholm Energy Islands’ effect on and interaction with the local society - Bornholm Energi & Forsyning, Mette Skøt, Project developer · Strategy & Business Development 
  • Open dialogue with presenters 
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