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building material Circular Business Lab

The Circular Business Lab at RISE: Building materials

The Circular Business Lab at RISE calls all manufacturers of building materials to join the journey towards a more circular value chain for the built environment. We believe you have a pivotal role in accelerating change while future-proofing your businesses in time. Welcome to a collaboration for circular business.

The event “Circular Business Lab for Building Materials – collaboration for circular business” will feature RISE's multidisciplinary team of experts as well as external guest speakers with inspiring experiences. Welcome to collaborate on circular business! 

Join us for this exciting event and learn more about how you can join the lab to create a circular future as the new norm.   

Date: October 17th, 2024 

Time: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Location: Digital event on Teams

Event agenda

Introduction - Welcome and introduction to the theme of the day “Business opportunitites in circular transition for building material producers”. 
Pernilla Dahlman, Circular Business Lab at RISE; Jenny Svärd, CEO Byggmaterialindustrierna; Johan Bergström, expert circular construction at Circular Business Lab at RISE;  Nina Jacobsson Stålheim, Head of Development Ecological Sustainability at Framtiden

Deep-dives with expert team from RISE and external guests

  • Demand for circular building materials is here!
  • Building material and scaling of reuse processes
  • Deep-dives materials and circular solutions with examples
  • Certification of reused and innovative materials
  • What could the business look like?

Launch of the Circular Business Lab for Building materials

Wrap-up, Q&A

 You are warmly welcome! Please register your participation no later than October 16th and feel free to invite colleagues you would like to bring along. 

Event date
17 Oct 2024
Digital event Teams
16 October 2024

Free of charge

Digital, Event,
Pernilla Dahlman

Pernilla Dahlman

Affärsledare Circular Business Lab, RISE
Jenny Svärd

Jenny Svärd

VD, Byggmaterialindustrierna
Nina Jacobsson Stålheim

Nina Jacobsson Stålheim

Utvecklingschef Ekologisk hållbarhet, Framtiden
Johan Bergström

Johan Bergström

Expert cirkulärt byggande i Circular Business Lab, RISE
Pernilla Dahlman

Contact person

Pernilla Dahlman

Affärsledare Circular Business Lab

Read more about Pernilla

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Johan M Bergström

Contact person

Johan M Bergström


+46 10 516 51 67

Read more about Johan M

Contact Johan M
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