RISE, Centrum för cybersäkerhet – publikationer
Här hittar du RISE, Centrum för cybersäkerhets publikationer.

Human-centered cybersecurity
November 2024
The report (in swedish) by RISE aims to highlight how human-centered approaches can contribute to sustainable and inclusive cybersecurity solutions. It is aimed at managers and decision-makers in the public and private sectors.
Människocentrerad cybersäkerhet (pdf, 4.27 MB)

AI and cybersecurity
December 2023
The report (in swedish) by RISE highlights the opportunities and risks that AI brings in cybersecurity. It is aimed at managers and decision-makers in the public and private sectors.
AI och cybersäkerhet (pdf, 4.2 MB)

The Internet of Things in uncertain times
Mars 2023
The report (in swedish) by RISE highlights risks linked to the Internet of Things (IoT) for individual users and society. It is aimed at managers and decision-makers in the public and private sectors.
Sakernas Internet i en osäker tid (pdf, 4.12 MB)

Proposed actions to address cyber threats to the electricity system
April 2023
The report (in swedish) by RISE highlights the cybersecurity of connected energy products.
Förslag på åtgärder för att möta cyberhot mot elsystemet (pdf, 4.09 MB)

Cyber threat to Sweden
September 2022, Revised August 2023
The report (in swedish) by RISE aims to create a knowledge overview for leaders and decision-makers on cyber threats to Sweden and provides a number of suggestions for security measures. Proactive measures can reduce the risk of being attacked and enable early detection, and a good ability to execute reactive measures can mitigate its effects.
Cyberhot mot Sverige (pdf, 5.36 MB)