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Certification of Paper and Archival Materials

Official authorities in Sweden must use materials and equipment which produce documents meeting the requirements in the Swedish National Archives Regulations.


The simplest way for an authority to select the right material regarding archival durability and permanence is to use a certified product. RISE is an accredited body for testing and certification in accordance with Swedish National Archives Regulations (RA-FS 2006:4).

The suppliers can guarantee that those requirements are met with such a certificate.


The certification rules are specified in "SPCR 004 2015". This publication can be downloaded to the right under "More information".

The following procedure is applied:

  • Testing shall be performed in accordance with the relevant RA-FS by RISE who is accredited according to ISO 17025.
  • The manufacturer/supplier must have a system for quality control of the product.
  • A manufacturer's declaration on conformity of materials sold on the Swedish market with the material tested above must be given by the manufacturer. Changes must be notified to the certifying body.
  • RISE must perform a supervisory control each year.

Archival paper is evaluated according to ISO 11108 and permanent paper according to ISO 9706. Recording on paper is evaluated according to ISO 11798. The Swedish National Archives Regulations RA-FS 2006:4 refer to these.

Application forms can be downloaded to the right under “More information”.


The client obtains an international certificate, certified by RISE, for archival materials which shall be stored and preserved. Products certified for use in the preparation of documents to be kept for long periods of time are listed, follow the link in the right margin.

Types of products that can be certified;

  • Papers
  • Inks for Ink-Jet Printers
  • Copying Machines / Colour copying machines
  • Printers / Colour Printers (such as laser printers and ink-jet printers)
  • Pens
  • Stamp pad inks
  • File Covers
  • Boxes

Certified products may be marked "Svenskt Arkiv".


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Certification of Paper and Archival Materials


Product certification


ISO 17025 ”General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”

ISO 17065 ”Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services"

RA-FS 2006:4 "Riksarkivets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om tekniska krav och certifiering"

SPCR 004 2015 ”Certification rules for archival materials"


Please contact us for price information


The customer prepares the test items unless otherwise agreed.

More information

SPCR 004 2015 (pdf, 346.77 KB)

Contact person

Sammie Dang

TIC- ingenjör

+46 10 516 54 53

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Mathias Bark

Contact person

Mathias Bark

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 65 99

Read more about Mathias

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