Certifcation, Certificate, Inspection, Inspection visit, Archival durability, Testing, Information storage, Image on paper, Durability / Permanence, Writing materials, Laser Printer, Multifunction equipment, Inkjet printer, Ink, Ball point pen, Roller ball pen, Paper, Archive box, File covers, Enclosure, Reistance to wear, Lightfastness, Reistance to water, Resistance to heat, Folding endurance, Tensile Energy Absorption, Tearing resistance, Alkali reserve, Kappa number, pH, Fibre composition, Moisture content, Grammage.
SPCR004 2015 , RA-FS 2006:4 , ISO 17025, ISO 17021, ISO 17065
ISO 11798 , ISO 5626 , ISO 1924 , ISO 7724 , ISO 18314-1 , ISO 4892-2 , BS 3484:1991
ISO 11108 , ISO 9706 , ISO 302 , ISO 10716 , ISO 1974 , ISO 6588 , ISO 536 , ISO 287
ISO 16245 , ISO 535