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Webinar RISE ADW

Agrifood Data Workshop (ADW)

Agrifood Data Workshop (ADW) is a national data workshop with the goal to make use of data and data sharing easier and more secure and to promote innovations in the agrifood chain. The data workshop will provide support, tools and methods for increased competence and datadriven innovation among actors who want to work with data in the food chain.

Hur kan man maskera data som delas i digital form? Webinar 2024

Welcome to a free webinar where you will get a demonstration of a prototype of a new digital tool developed in the framework of the Agrifood Data Workshop project. The tool enables the current information classification of a data set to be transferred and used to automatically mask large data sets that can then be made available for machine reading.

Våga dela data! A four-part webinar series in 2023

During September 2023 ADW organized a webinar series "Våga dela data!" in four parts. The participants gained deeper insights into everything from security and legal requirements to data sharing. Each recording begins with an approximately 5-minute long introduction of the project, which is the same in all series. We recommend that you fast forward if you want to get straight to the content specific to the webinar. 

See the recordings below to see the webinars afterwards:

Del 1: Lär känna dina data - Våga dela data!

Del 2: Datadelning i juridiken - Våga dela data!

Del 3: Dela rätt data - säkert och på dina villkor - Våga dela data!

Del 4: Affären datadelning - Våga dela data!

Food production generates a lot of data, partly socially critical, from a variety of actors. The fragmentation in the food chain makes the sharing of data complicated. At the same time, national initiatives are underway to create a common infrastructure for data sharing, which generates questions about how data can be shared in a secure and efficient way. The workshop is aimed at authorities that need support and tools to be able to open up their data in a secure way, data owners who have not yet dared to take the step to share data, and other stakeholders, data labs and data workshops.

Agrifood Data Workshop aims to fill the role of neutral sandbox, where different actors can learn more about what data sharing means and how different tools can be used to create new data-driven products and services. The workshop will focus on finding open tools and platforms that can be used for both open and shared data. One property about data that the lab will study are legal, business, and technical aspects of data set sharing where data may be recalled. During the latter part of the project, we will also offer insights and platforms around data sharing via workshops where both presentations and hands-on, practical walking are included.


Project name

Agrifood Data Workshop



RISE role in project


Project start




Jordbruksverket, Sensative, Logical Clocks


Vinnova, Jordbruksverket, Sensative, Logical Clocks

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Anna Rydberg

Contact person

Anna Rydberg

Senior forskare

+46 10 516 69 55

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Annika Kihlstedt

Contact person

Annika Kihlstedt


+46 10 228 45 41

Read more about Annika

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