Ahmad Al-Shishtawy

I am a senior researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. I received my PhD from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2012. Research challenges that inspire me include applying multidisciplinary state-of-the-art research to solve high impact problems in industry and society. My research interests include, Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Algorithms; Big Data/Streaming Analytics; Clouds/Edge-Computing; Autonomic Computing.
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- DUGET : Leveraging Machine Learning for Dynamic User Grouping and Evolution Tra…
- A Semi-Supervised Model for Non-Cellular Elements Segmentation in Microscopy Im…
- Siambert : Siamese Bert-based Code Search
- Eliciting structure in data
- Evaluation of the use of streaming graph processing algorithms for road congest…
- Short-Term Traffic Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
- OnlineElastMan : self-trained proactive elasticity manager for cloud-based stor…
- SpanEdge : Towards unifying stream processing over central and near-the-edge da…
- Bw man : Bandwidth manager for elastic services in the cloud
- ElastMan : Elasticity manager for elastic key-value stores in the cloud