Melina da Silva
Contact Melina<p>Spare parts, prototypes, kayaks, human body parts –3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, can be used for everything. Products are manufactured layer by layer and are close to their final shape, thereby reducing wastage. Optimising product design to achieve maximum weight reduction or ideal performance, for example, is another plus. Materials such as metals, polymers, wood flour, biocompatible materials, sand and composites are used at present. This technology also paves the way for manufacturing products in end customers' local areas, no matter where they are. This could create new and unique business models throughout the entire value chain. </p>
<p>RISE has unique 3D printing expertise throughout the entire value chain, and we can help companies of all sizes to take the step from concept to finished product. We work with our partners to develop the various stages throughout the value chain and produce an alternative, cost-effective production method for Swedish industry which then goes on to be implemented and industrialised. Our research is also helping to bring about a more efficient production chain by digitalising manufacture, products and post-processing.</p>