There is a risk that industrial production could be affected in the event that Sweden suffers a prolonged crisis situation. RISE Application Centre could play a key role if this were to happen.“Additive manufacturing reduces vulnerability,” says Seyed Hosseini, founder of Application Center for Additive Manufacturing at RISE.
There have been rapid developments in additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it is also known, in recent years. The technology has led to faster and more efficient production, while also wasting less materials. It has also provided an opportunity to manufacture more advanced products compared to traditional manufacturing techniques.
“If we take cooling ducts as an example, you can now construct them precisely where you want them and design them in such a way that they can follow complex geometries. In the past, limitations meant that cooling ducts, for example, had to be drilled and we were therefore locked into the possibilities associated with that technology,” says Hosseini.
To increase its expertise in both research and manufacturing, RISE is starting the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing of metallic and polymeric materials in Mölndal, just outside Gothenburg. The aim is to bring all the different technologies and associated pre-manufacturing and post-manufacturing processes in the industry together under one roof.
“This will constitute a unique and outstanding Swedish venue that will boast both a broad technological platform and in-depth expertise in the field. Above all, we are developing something that will be available to all companies and where we, as an independent party, will support any company that requires help,” says Hosseini.
Key resource in crisis situations
Additive manufacturing and the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing will also be an important resource for the management of crisis situations and, if necessary, help adjust industrial production. The AM Center will also take on direct production assignments, even though this will not be the primary focus.
“First and foremost, this is about helping companies to increase their knowledge of additive manufacturing, but also about supporting companies in their transition to working with sustainable and resource-efficient production, which this technology already is,” Hosseini says.
You can manufacture a product directly from a CAD file without having to manufacture a tool
Rapid process from model to production
Many of the advantages of the technology would also be beneficial to Sweden in the event of crisis situations. This is partly because it requires no large factories and also because the process from model to production is fast.
“You can manufacture a product directly from a CAD file without having to manufacture a tool. By optimising the product design, you can also merge subcomponents into another component, which in turn will reduce the lead time, as the installation step can either be removed or significantly decreased. Smart design can also contribute to the elimination of several process steps,” says Hosseini.
By using additive manufacturing, there is also an opportunity to maintain production when the global logistics flows are not working.
“During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen, among other things, how value chains have been negatively affected and how this has influenced Swedish companies’ ability to maintain their production rates. Additive manufacturing can reduce this vulnerability,” says Hosseini.
Additive manufacturing can be used within most industries.
“Repairs is another great example, where the damaged part is removed to add new materials, thereby recreating the product,” Hosseini explains.
Sweden, a world leader
Conditions in Sweden are excellent for developing expertise and resources for this technology. Sweden is a world leader in the development and manufacturing of the metallic powders that are needed. There are also several large Swedish players that develop bio-based polymers and recycled materials that can be used for future manufacturing. There are also several machine manufacturers in Sweden, within both metallic and polymeric materials.
The application centre will act as a meeting place for all players within the industry. It will also be a crucial resource for training within the field.
“To the extent possible, we will offer assistance in terms of expertise and we will collaborate with our universities and university colleges, as well as the different vocational training courses available throughout the country. The technology is still new to us all and the collaboration with the education system will ensure that everything we do at the application centre will be based on science,” Hosseini concludes.
The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing is run by RISE together with 16 partners from industry and academia and with the support of Västra Götaland region, Vinnova and the European Regional Development Fund.
The center is located at RISE in Mölndal, where infrastructure and expertise for additive manufacturing are located, while the center benefits from the entire breadth of the research institute.

Contact person
Marie-Louise Bergholt
Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing
Contact Marie-Louise