Verónica Benavente

I lead projects and do extensive research in biorefinery process development for the production of chemicals and biofuels aiming of valorization of side streams from industry.
I have worked with biorefinery development for the last 9 years, with focus on the hydrothermal treatment of biomass. My doctoral studies dealt with the development of solid energy carriers from moist biowaste streams. Afterwards, my research studies aimed to find potential intermediate applications for those carbon materials before their ultimate application in energy recovery systems. I also have an academic and early research background in polymer and composite materials science and technology, as well as hydrogen technologies.
My current research mainly focus on developing hydrothermal processes (HTC and HTL) in the biorefinery of biomass and implementing a circular bioeconomy approach to this field by finding connections with other areas. I am also involved in the synthesis of products from forest and industrial side streams. My passion, to get the most value out of all industrial streams and byproducts.
Keywords: side streams, thermochemical conversion, hydrothermal treatments, elements distribution, carbon balance, biofuels, product synthesis and characterization.
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