Sara Hornborg
Sara works with research and contract work related to sustainable seafood with life cycle assessment and ecological risk assessment as basis. The aim is to find opportunities for improvement in the consumption and production of seafood in Sweden and internationally, both in fisheries and aquaculture.
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- Environmental and biodiversity performance of a novel single cell protein for r…
- Spatial restrictions inadvertently doubled the carbon footprint of Norway's mac…
- Ecological risk assessment of invertebrates caught in Swedish west-coast fisher…
- Life cycle environmental impacts of kelp aquaculture through harmonized recalcu…
- Follow the herring – A case study on the interplay between management and marke…
- Metod för beräkning av svensk sjömatskonsumtion
- Hållbarhetsutvärderingar av sjömat i Sverige - nyckelfrågor för mer behovsbaser…
- Driver svensk konsumtion av odlad lax ökat svenskt industrifiske i Östersjön?
- Environmental and nutritional perspectives of algae
- Sverige och sjömaten : idag och i morgon. Kan vi samtidigt öka produktion, kons…