Martin Knicky
My area of expertise extends from harvesting methods to conservation methods (ensilage, pre-drying, drying) of mainly forage. In my research, I focus on factors that affect conservation and storage processes in connection with feed quality and environmental impact. My research includes everything from experimental planning, in laboratory scale to industrial scale, sampling and sample analysis (chemical and mainly microbial) to interpretation of results.
I have participated in many national and international research projects within that network, including with Trioplast AB, Pöttinger Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Trejon AB, Stalham Engineering Co. Ltd., BASF GmbH, Addcon GmbH, and not least with Hanson & Möhring AB (Salinity) where I developed and tested their patented ensiling agent Safesil.
- Vakuumlagring av fuktig spannmål –möjligheter och svagheter för effektiv och hå…
- Bovete – ökad odling och användning i Norden (2020-30) : Slutrapport
- Pelletering av eget kraftfoder för mjölkproduktion– möjligheter för effektiv oc…
- Skum för att täcka ensilage– metodens möjligheter och svagheter för effektiv oc…
- Buckwheat : an underutilized crop with attractive sensory qualities and health …
- Perspectives and safety of horsemeat consumption
- Short communication : Use of a mixture of sodium nitrite, sodium benzoate, and …
- The ensiling capability of a mixture of sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and…
- Sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate and sodium nitrite as silage additives
- Ensiling of high wilted grass-clover mixture by use of different additives to i…