Marcus Linder

Director of Business Design at RISE.
My team of 12 consists of both well-cited researchers and business advisors. We are some of Swedens foremost experts in three areas related to circular business model innovation:
* Circular Product Design
* Data driven business model innovation
* Business coaching and implementation support
We are also the beating heart of the cross-functional business platform "Circular Business Lab at RISE". Check out our offerings here:
My own background: I am an established researcher most well known for my work on circular business model innovation and performance indicators for the circular economy (2K+ citations). Google scholar here:
I love to set up research-supported innovation projects on circular business models exploring sources of sustainable competitive advantage. I look especially for cases of radical innovation, in which I include situations were we can realistically (albeit ambitiously) aim for roughly five times more customer value per production inputs.
I live in Göteborg, Sweden. My office is at Sven Hultins plats 5, A Workling Lab.
I tend to post a lot on linkedin:
Keywords: Circular economy, innovation management, business model innovation, profitable sustainability, CE, CE-indicators, product as a service, mobility as a service.
(If you came here hearing looking for Sustainable Business. I was until January 2024 director of Sustainable Business at RISE. Sustainable Business grew and split into two units: Business Design and Sustainability Analytics.)
- Circular Economy Outlook 2024 Sverige
- Financing Circular Business Models: The challenges of obtaining bank credit for…
- TRACE CERTAINTY - TRAnsitioning to a Circular Economy via CERTificAtion in INdu…
- Testing metrics for measuring the circularity while metrics are being standardi…
- Linking circularity metrics at product and society level (LinCS) : Final report
- Determinants of consumer demand for circular economy products. A case for reuse…
- Product Labels for the Circular Economy : Are Customers Willing to Pay for Circ…
- Three-dimensional product circularity
- Product-level inherent circularity and its relationship to environmental impact
- Managing Emerging (Mis)Alignments in Data-Driven Servitization