Hanna Linden
Senior forskare

Hanna Lindén is Acting Vice President of the Business and Innovation Area Material Transition. In the area, RISE works with future material production, sustainable business models, material recycling and traceable and quality-assured circular materials. Hanna is a senior researcher placed in the unit Environment and sustainable chemistry at the division Materials and production.
Hanna works with issues related to sustainable business, circular economy and material transition, e.g. related to business models, traceability, remanufacturing and ecodesign and is an experienced project leader.
Hanna has a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Chalmers University of Technology, specifically on studies of organization of life cycle management in companies and between companies in product chains.
- Produktpass som möjliggörare för cirkulära möbelflöden : Slutrapport
- Det inkluderande, hållbara och uppkopplade samhället : Utvärdering och framtids…
- Safe to circulate : public report
- Den cirkulära bilen (förstudie)
- The connected, sustainable and inclusive society – IoT implementation in a Swed…
- The inclusive, sustainable and connected society : IoT implementation in a Swed…
- Det inkluderande, hållbara och uppkopplade samhället : Nulägesanalys
- A data-driven approach to support the remanufacturing of automotive parts from …
- Ecosystem for reuse of automotive components