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Wind power plant

Hydrogen's possibilities for wind power

Wind power producers have identified the possibility to produce hydrogen when electricity prices are low. The produced hydrogen can come to good use in other sectors, and thus benefit the climate. There is potential for large scale production of green hydrogen in combination with wind power.

The overarching goal of the project was to contribute to finding suitable system solutions for the energy system of tomorrow. By producing green hydrogen, wind power producers can assist with reducing climate impact in the energy system whilst simultaneously increase their income, as electricity prices generally go down when production goes up. To contribute to the general field of knowledge, this project will examine different technological solutions, the economical prerequisites, and the relevance of hydrogen production in combination with wind power. Both off-shore and on-shore systems have been examined.

The project was split up in four work packages:

  1. Technological and economic analysis of different system solutions
  2. Optimization of the aforementioned systems
  3. Analysis of rules and regulations, standards and permit processes
  4. Description of different business cases including wind power producers and hydrogen production



Project name

Hydrogen's possibilities for wind power



RISE role in project

Project manager

Project start


About 2 years

Total budget

1 000 000 SEK


Sweco, DNV, Energiforsk



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
Gustav Green

Contact person

Gustav Green

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 73 034 95 68

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