Digital Earth Sweden
The National Swedish Space Agency and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden extend their co-operation activities with the common goal to scale up the platform for the Swedish hub for space data, enabling Space Data Lab innovation activities for the benefit of the Society.
RISE host the the platform for the Swedish hub for Space Data; initiated 2019 within a Vinnova project "Nationellt Rymddatalab" (four partners National Swedish Space Agency, Luleå University of Technology, AI Sweden and RISE). A second Vinnova project has recently started, same consortium, from October 2021 to October 2023. The scope is to extend the space data lab.
In a surrounding with fast changes and with big challenges in development of the society, a long term approach is crucial. RISE and the National Swedish Space Agency are committed to co-operate in research and development of a Swedish hub for space data including infrastructure and analysis methods, to enable the access to space data so that we together can meet the long term challenges of the society. The goal is to strengthen competences and capabilities of Swedish agencies and to improve competitive innovation power of Swedish companies within data exploitation, AI and service development. More info on the ecosystem can be found at the previous landing page, and the new landingpage that is under construction;
Digital Earth Sweden is enabling Space Data activities tailored for Sweden, and aims to be a part in the ecosystem for analysis of earth observation data. Digital Earth Sweden supports the Swedish node in the Collaborative Ground Segment of the European space organization ESA. The purpose of Digital Earth Sweden is to enable development of AI methods for analysis of space data, be a national resource for analysis of space data, enable research in the usage of space data and enable processing of space data in co-operation with Swedish Agencies based on their needs.
Project name
Digital Earth Sweden
Other than Sweden
RISE role in project
Technical Solution
Project start
7 years
Project members
Nuria Agues Paszkowsky Daniel Flemström Erik Källman Aleksis Pirinen Oskar Lundberg Niclas Ericsson Thomas Ohlson Timoudas Thomas Wingate
Supports the UN sustainability goals