Ulrika Harlin
Contact Ulrika<p>Investments into the work environment benefit everyone: employees, employers, customers and society as whole. Good working conditions are a key factor for competitiveness and a good work environment is particularly important for attracting, retaining and developing employees and for ensuring future skills and competencies. Shortcomings in the work environment, on the other hand, can have serious consequences, both for the health and well-being of employees and for further business development.</p>
<p>RISE works preventively by combining broad and in-depth work environment expertise with industry knowledge and technical know-how. We work together with organisations to find innovative solutions based on real-world needs. RISE uses various tools to incorporate the work environment into business development and into day-to-day operations. We develop work methods and tools for change management, leadership development, skills provision, and development of the work organisation, and we conduct workplace surveys and analyses.</p>