Contact person
Sammie Dang
TIC- ingenjör
Contact SammieBoxes (made from board) and file covers (made from paper) are used for archiving of documents. Boxes and file covers are also dealt with in a regulation from the Swedish National Archives. Accordingly, the archiving permanence of such are equally important as the documents that are stored in them.
Requirements on boxes and file covers are specified in a Swedish Standard, ISO 16245, where the requirements are given in terms of strength properties, functionality and material in the boxes.
Furthermore, many archivists wish to mark the boxes with self-adhesive labels. The requirement is that the labels shall be fixed to the box for a long period of time. RISE and the national Archive have discussed a project leading to specifications for such labels, which is now is included in Swedish National Archives Regulations.
Boxes, file covers and other enclosures are evaluated in our laboratory according to ISO 16245. The regulations stated by the Swedish National Archive (RA-FS 2006:4) refer to this standard.
A test report, and a certificate if the product is approved, which can be used as a guarantee for archival durability and permanence.