Contact person
Caroline Ankerfors
Contact CarolineWhat will be the next big thing? It’s of course impossible to predict, but without extensive experiments and fast scaling, you will never be there among the first. It is beneficial for enterprises to do this in collaboration, for instance within international The Bioeconomy Research Programme.
Industry partners and RISE together generate competitiveness based on sustainability. Through industrial research on enhancing resource efficiency. Through adding value to raw material, to products and transforming waste to products. History shows that innovation can add commercial value to residues and side streams. A profitability is constituted as the production of a company is given a higher value. This profitability is fundamental for an industry to be interested in investing in research. The value of research is leveraged when performed collectively, the common set can cover more. To be able to use the same researchers from the common research in the bilateral is also very cost efficient.
Through dialogue with industry partners, combined with analysis of current trends, a proposal for research areas for the Bioeconomy Research Programme starting in January 2025 is now available. These are the areas that will be further refined in spring 2024.
The purpose of The Bioeconomy Research Programme is to assist the industry to extend visions and identify research areas with a future potential. The vision is a future fossil free society where renewable sources are highly utilised.
Together we generate sustainable competitiveness through industrial research on resource efficiency and value adding processes.
It can be about decisions for a direction and measures for an enterprise to sustain competitiveness in 5 to 10 years. Or identifying and preparing for new rules and regulations that is under way in increasingly complex and dynamic markets.
There are companies that use RISE as their outsourced R&D department.
All participants in a consortium contributes with their knowledge and leaves with a better understanding to apply in operations. Both solutions to long-term research challenges and fast implementations in production can be achieved when forces are joined.
All work in The Bioeconomy Programme is characterised by developing solutions that supports a positive impact on society. Every project is analysed on how it supports a sustainable society and which of the UN 17 global goals it affects.
The Bioeconomy Research Programme