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Processing of organosolv fractions for a functionalization

The project will develop green processes for bioactive fiber functionalization containing forest-based resources, which will then be used for high-performance materials. In the future, these materials need to be biodegradable in order to live up to future environmental requirements and the Swedish bio-based economy and society.

We will use the semi-continuous organosolv reactor at LTU to pursue fractionation and isolation of the three main lignocellulose components, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

The next step focuses on the use of a chemo-enzymatic approach for the functionalization of the cellulose and hemicellulose fractions to achieve specific properties, such as water stability.

The functionalized fibres will be used to produce foamed materials, using various lab and pilot-scale processing concepts developed at MoRe Research. The foams will be analyzed and evaluated in terms of performance, with a particular focus on wet stability.


Project name

Processing of organosolv fractions




Region Västernorrland

RISE role in project

Project leader, participant, PhD student

Project start


4 years

Total budget

9 000 000 SEK


Nouryon Pulp and Performance Chemical, LindePac


Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Treesearch, BioInnovation, Skogsindustrierna, IKEM, Energimyndigheten, TEKO, Vinnova, Formas, Kempestiftelserna

Project website


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Sara Wallsten

Contact person

Sara Wallsten


+46 10 722 32 46

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Abirami Senthil

Contact person

Abirami Senthil


+46 10 722 32 29

Read more about Abirami

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