Contact person
Lars Sundvall
Gruppchef Cellulosateknologi
Contact LarsSeparation of cellulose from forests, agriculture and the sea is a fundamental part of biorefinery and sustainable production. The earth's circular and renewable raw materials are in demand and should be sufficient for a lot and increasing the need for research and development of them so that each element is put to good use.
Real-time Chip Impregnation Pilot
Impregnation studies are of interest for all chemical pulp processes, whether the end product is paper pulp or dissolving pulp. It is especially important to have properly impregnated chips for pulp mills seeking to increase production or encountering issues related to impregnation.
Testbed Separation of Cellulose is a part of Bioeconomy Arena
Separation of Cellulose
Laboratory testbeds (LT)
Energy and Clean Tech, Food and agriculture, Manufacturing, Materials, Process industry, Pulp, paper and packaging
Bioeconomy, Biorefinery, Circular transition, Packaging, Agriculture, Climate neutral industry, Chemical processes and products, Chemical and biological analysis, Pulp and paper, Material transition, Production and manufacturing, Textile, Wood technology
Region Västernorrland