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Bliz Skihelmet

CirkHelm - Circular Business Opportunities for Ski Helmets

Ski helmets are a product with a clear function - to protect the skiers. Ski helmets are also a product in the classic linear economy, ie it is manufactured - used - thrown away. Through Circhelm, the project group wants to develop a circular business approach where digital solutions will contribute to further reducing the environmental impact.

Switching to circular business models to promote a reduction in waste of resources is often a challenge. The model for today's ski helmets is classically linear where used helmets end up in landfill. However, by optimizing the helmet design, recycling methodologies and digital condition monitoring, conditions can be created for circular business arrangements. The sports industry is a dynamic industry with a customer group with a strong focus on sustainability and high expectations for a rapid transition to more sustainable products and offerings. There are thus opportunities to develop and implement sustainable solutions for ski helmets that are adaptable to other products and industries.

The project intends to use the example of rental ski helmets to demonstrate the possibilities with circular business models: Innovative business models will be investigated that create benefits in circular flows for all actors, while optimizing the design of the helmets to promote circularity. Digital methods will be developed to effectively control function and safety and thereby extend the useful life of the helmets. Finally, methods for recycling used helmets back to new helmets will be developed.

The project will result in
  1.Business models for profitable circular flow of ski helmets,
  2. Product design of ski helmet optimized for circularity and production of prototypes
  3. Technology for effective digitized condition control that is field tested,
  4.Technology for repair and maintenance tested on existing products,
  5.Technology for recycling used helmets and manufacturing new helmets with recycled material.
  6.Evaluation of the environmental impact of the various sub-goals

The project results will create conditions for the introduction of circular flows of ski helmets at both Skistar and Future Eyewear. The overall concept will be able to be implemented in other products at the industrial parties as well as in other industries.


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start


21 månader

Total budget



Skistar, Future Eyewear



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production