Contact person
Ashutosh Kumar
Contact Ashutosh<p>ALL2GaN has 45 project partners from 12 European countries with the aim to be the backbone for the European Power Electronics Industry by offering an EU-born smart GaN Integration toolbox. The project will provide the base for applications, thus meeting the global energy needs while keeping the CO2 footprint to a minimum.</p>
... is a direct response to the European Green Deal challenge and its goals to transform economies to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, without impeding economic growth and by the sustainable use of natural resources.
... will directly contribute to energy saving and cutting-edge green technology innovation as well as to a globally competitive and resilient European industry.
... presents a building stone toward the aim of the European Chip Act to create a European chip ecosystem. ALL2GaN is linking together major European stakeholders. They range from world class research, design, production, and application capabilities for industrial level development aiming to realize the latest advancements.
Participant, national coordinator
36 months
60 M€
Vinnova, Key Digital Technologies
Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Ashutosh Kumar Mietek Bakowski Qin Wang Konstantin Kostov Saeed Akbari Madhav Mishra Dag Andersson Peter Ramvall Jang-Kwon Lim