Sara Fallahi

I have a background in innovation management and my research deals with sustainable and circular business model innovation. I am particularly interested in the cross-section of digitalisation and circular economy.
Director of unit Technologies for Interaction which is part of Prototyping Societies department at RISE division of Digital Systems. Our group works with user-centered design where we explore new and emerging user interaction technologies and models. We have expertise in sustainable design, digital system transition, game design and gamification, and interactive real-time visualisation technologies such as VR and AR. We also develop iterative, functional prototypes in the design process and work with built-in technologies such as robotics, and IoT. We are a mix of researchers, designers, and developers based in Gothenburg and Norrköping.
I am also part of the management team for the RISE knowledge platform Climate Opportunity Accelerator (COA). COA supports increasing innovation and knowledge about climate change through a systems perspective.
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Ask me about
- A Process View of Business Model Innovation
- User-centered circular value propositions – approaches in practice and research
- Produktpass som möjliggörare för cirkulära möbelflöden : Slutrapport
- Opportunities for engaging users in codesign of circular offers through games
- How can games aid co-design of user-centered circular offerings?
- Financing solutions for circular business models : Exploring the role of busine…
- Explaining business model innovation processes: A problem formulation and probl…
- Opportunities for Co-Designing Circular Business Models with Game-Based Approac…
- Residual value prediction using deep learning
- Ways of operating in business ecosystems to drive circular transitions