Saad Azhar

I have a background in Computer Science and User Experience (UX). I started my career as a software developer while keeping a keen interest in computer networks and data communication. After some years of developing web and desktop-based applications, I focused on interaction design, usability and user experience within my masters degree. From there stared my journey into applied research at ABB where I worked with a number of topics including information visualization, multimodal interaction, situational awareness, and generally working with user experience and human-machine interaction topics within the industrial automation domain.
I have both driven and contributed to research projects where a human-centered approach has been applied to identify needs and challenges, find solutions, and develop new concepts for human-automation interaction within and outside of control rooms. Some example application areas include robotics, EV chargers, and control rooms within process industry, marine, mining, power grids. During these projects I have applied a user-centered methodology, utilizing interviews, observations, and workshops to understand and elicit requirements. I have also done a number of prototypes during these projects which vary in their level of fidelity based on the need. These prototypes have been used in user tests to validate the concepts and collect customer feedback.
At RISE, I work with projects addressing digitalization, bringing technologies like AI, IoT and XR (Extended Reality – AR, VR, 3D) together to multiply the benefits and increase the value they provide.
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