Peter Stigson Affärsutvecklare Tel +46 10 516 66 73 Email Location Stockholm Ask me about Posts Ask me about Story Time to build trust in recycled materials Today, many companies set goals for using recycled materials. But far too few actually do so. So how do we build trust in using recycled materials on a large scale – and how do we get everyone involved to accept the challenge… Story Where does my material come from and what does it contain? Creating a more resource-efficient and circular society requires a common system for the traceability of recycled and reused material. How else are we to ensure that textiles, plastic parts or metal components in a circularly prod… Story Is circular always sustainable? Circularity is important – but there is no equals sign between ‘circular’ and ‘sustainable’. For example, driving your car a long distance to a recycling station with some plastic packaging may be circular, but it isn't necessaril… Expertise Sustainable transition financing Capital and finance markets are the lubricants of our economy, and capital must be steered to the "right" projects and businesses, to enable a sustainable transition. Our offer includes expert support, training and coaching of tho… Posts 24 Sep / Helena Wiberg Are We Innovating Fast Enough for a Sustainable Future? Every fourth year, Electronics Goes Green (EGG), shows the way in connecting industry leaders with the latest research and innovations in sustainable electronics, we from RISE were there... 11 Sep / Leo Svenningsson Sensor on sensor - predictive maintenance of (power) electronics Did you know it's possible to determine when an electronics component is about to break down? 24 Apr / Anja Lund Converting used wool fibres to artificial silk Textile industry leaves a considerable footprint on our planet. One reason is its linear economy structure, where new raw materials pass through the production and use phases only to end up on ever-growing landfill sites. Technolo… 21 Mar / Pernilla Dahlman CSRD: Circularity is Material - Now What? With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), businesses are urged to conduct comprehensive assessments of their environmental impact, including the double materiality analysis. For many compani… Load More