Michiel van Noord

Michiel holds a M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics and has been working within solar energy since 2006, combined with broader sustainable development topics since 2010. At RISE he is a project manager engaged in sustainable applications of solar PV, building integration of photovoltaics (BIPV), as well as local energy systems. Michiel is also acting as lecturer and course leader in several vocational courses on solar cell applications at professional education companies.
After his move from the Netherlands to Sweden, he has been active as project manager, system designer and quality controller for a solar contractor, and as sustainability consultant and entrepreneur at a collectively owned sustainability consultancy firm, before coming to RISE. He has advised, supported and educated a variety of target groups on solar energy and other sustainability fields, such as circular economy: working with city planners and with property developers, with grid operators and with government agencies.
As a project manager and participant in applied research Michiel has contributed to the fields of BIPV, solar energy in urban planning, modelling and prediction of snow effects on solar energy production and on how to initiate common funding of sustainable measures from actor synergies. Currently he is involved in projects analysing the innovation system for BIPV, exploring how solar farms can contribute to increased biodiversity and ecosystem services, supporting climate effective solar energy and resource efficient energy systems for electrified transport hubs such as ports or airports.
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- Solceller och återvätning av torvmark – möjligheter, utmaningar och förslag
- Klimateffektiva Solcellsanläggningar - Vägledning för en klimateffektiv förvalt…
- Guide for Technological Innovation System Analysis for Building-Integrated Phot…
- ECOVOLTAICS OCH AGRIVOLTAICS : en handbok om solcellsparker som gynnar biologis…
- Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services in Swedish Solar Farms : Current Practice …
- En kartläggning av solcellsparker i Sverige 2021
- Utveckling av prognosmodeller och –verktyg för snöpåverkan på solelprodukti…
- Snow-induced PV loss modeling using production-data inferred PV system models
- Klimateffektiv solenergi : Jämförelse av klimatpåverkan från tillverkning av ol…
- Solcellsparker, biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster : Påverkan och möjlig…